Stand up paddle boarding is the fastest growing water sport in the Netherlands. Thousands of people get on a paddle board every year. We also see it with our sup rental that recreational and competition supping is also growing more and more. More and more people are buying a Paddle Board. Stand up paddle boarding is an accessible sport for many people. For beginners it is recommended to buy a beginner paddle board. Since more and more people are going on a paddle board for the first time, it is of course important to guarantee your own safety. You are also dependent on weather changes, such as storms, wind and rain. In addition, it is also possible that you suddenly end up in restless and deep water. Safety comes first, safety while supping is important to guarantee at all times. Thanks to our experience we can give the right tips and advice for this. Below you will find the top 5 tips for safety while supping.
1. Make sure you can swim well
There are many people who just step on a paddle board, without thinking about the dangers. It is extremely important that you can swim well. Imagine you fall off the board and your board floats away due to the current of the water. If you can’t swim well or if you even can’t swim at all, the chance that you will drown is very high!
So never step on a paddle board without a swimming diploma or the necessary swimming experience.
2. Use a life jacket while supping
Even if you are a good swimmer, always wear a life jacket while standing up paddle boarding, this is essential. For example, people can become unwell on a hot summer day. In addition, you can always fall unexpectedly and can become disoriented. When falling or when tired, a life jacket always ensures that you float back up. Nowadays we also have inflatable lifebuoys in our range. The restube is very easy to take with you during a stand up paddling trip, because you can put it around your waist. As soon as you are in danger you can let it shoot open with a string. The Restube then inflates itself, so you can hold on and keep afloat.
3. Always wear an SUP Leash
An ankle cord or a SUP leash is a must during supping. You have a SUP leash in various types. There are leashes that are attached to your ankle, but there are also leashes that are attached to your knee or hip. The ankle cord or leash is therefore always connected to the Paddle board and the Paddle boarder.
This ensures that if you fall into the water that the board does not float away from you. So your board serves as a kind of life buoy. View all our leashes on our webshop.
4. Make sure to bring your phone
Nowadays you can always take your phone with you and even while supping. There are special waterproof phone cases in which you can take your mobile phone with you.
This way you can always call in case of emergency. Are you afraid of losing your phone while falling? Then make sure you attach a small float to it or put it in the case, make sure the float can hold the weight of the phone before you use it. A phone is not only for emergency situations, but also for when you get lost on the water, for example. You can also keep a close eye on the weather with it.
5. Take the weather conditions into account
Before you go out on the water with your Stand Up Paddle board, first check the weather conditions and forecasts.
Think of cold, rain, wind and/or perhaps too warm conditions. For example, if a storm is forecast, make sure you get off the water in time.
It is very important to adapt your clothing to the weather conditions and weather forecasts. It is also important to know what to take with you before and after paddle boarding.
Watch the accompanying video about safety while supping below:
Are you a beginning Stand Up Paddle Boarder? Be sure to check out our best SUP tips for beginners blog.