When you start Stand Up Paddle Boarding, it is smart to delve into the basic techniques of supping. When you have mastered these, paddleboarding can become a lot more fun and comfortable. Earlier we also wrote the best SUP tips for beginners, these tips help a lot in combination with the basic techniques. In this blog we list a number of basic techniques of supping: from the correct position on a paddle board to making a turn on the water.
What is the best way to stand on a paddle board?
One of the most common questions with beginning paddle boarders is what te best way is to stand on a paddle board. When you have mastered this you will notice that you are much more stable on your board and move forward more easily (and faster). There are many factors that can influence supping if you do not adopt a stable posture, such as the wind or larger waves.
Basic rules for an proper posture
We have listed the most important rules for the right posture for you. If you have problems in the beginning: this is not a problem at all! First try to control your paddle board on your knees. Check out the basic rules below:
- Place your feet shoulder width
- Place your feet parallel to the paddle board
- Make sure your feet are always next to each other
- Shoulders and head towards the point of your board
- Bend your knees slightly while supping
- Keep your hips above your heels for stability and balance
How do you hold the SUP paddle?
In addition to a good balance, you also need to hold your SUP paddle correctly. Actually, step one is to get a paddle of the right length. Tip: we have written a handy article about determining the correct length of a SUP paddle.
Rules for holding your SUP paddle
When you have a sup paddle of the right length you can apply the following basic techniques while supping:
- Keep your elbows straight when holding your SUP paddle
- When you paddle right you can place your left hand on top of the grip of your paddle
- You can place your right hand about 65 centimeters below your other hand. However, this does depend on your height, but this is a good average
If you want to paddle on the left side, reverse the above rules. So you keep your right hand on top of the grip and the left hand about 65 centimeters below it when you start paddling on the left.
How do you use the paddle while supping?
When you can stand stable on your paddle board and have mastered the basic rules for holding your SUP paddle, it is of course important to make good progress. Of course you use your SUP paddle to move forward, whereby the blade of the SUP paddle must be completely submerged.
Is the paddle blade completely submerged? Then you can now apply power (with straight elbows, so that you use your muscles), and move the paddle towards your feet. At about the height of your feet you can take the paddle out of the water and repeat the stroke. Make sure that you really take the paddle out of the water at the height of your feet. Every part you paddle behind your feet is wasted energy…
How do you make a spin on the water?
When you go paddle boarding on a large lake, for example, you always have to make turns. So you have to make a turn with your paddle board using your paddle. For this it is best to make ‘big strokes’ with your SUP paddle from the beginning to the end of your board.
So put your SUP paddle in the water at the very front of your paddle board and then make a half moon all the way back, so make a wide stroke. Do you want to turn left? Then you put your SUP paddle in the water at the front on the right. If you want to turn to the right, do it the other way around. Also keep in mind that you keep your feet and shoulders straight ahead: in many cases you want to automatically turn with your body, so that you will quickly fall or are will no longer be stable on your paddle board.
What if your SUP paddle falls out of your hands?
It happens to even the best: your SUP paddle falls out of your hands! No problem, but you should of course have it back in your hands as soon as possible. You will notice that when a SUP paddle ends up in the water, it will float away. It is then best to sit on your knees on the paddle board and steer towards your paddle with your hands. Do note:Â not every paddle will always float, make sure you get a floater to keep your paddle safe.
Are you a beginning paddle boarder and do you still need to master all the techniques for beginners? Check out our sup techniques for beginners blog. Don’t forget to have fun while practicing the basic techniques of supping!